Tuesday, December 18, 2007
  The beauty of return this;
As a beginner I was fascinated by the repeated append calls on the StringBuffer (Java) object. Especially because of the saving in the typing and no more string concatenation.
new StringBuffer("start").append("more").append("more")
Obviously the return statement of the append method should look like
return this;

Later I came across more interesting examples of this in the mock libraries like below.

This time more than typing benefit what I liked about it is the readability of thecode. This is very close to the natural language translation of the above.
"Expect a method call someMethod on someObj. someMethod returns anotherObject. someMethod call is expected only once." Isn't that very close to how the code reads itself?

Look at this now.
"Create a new bug on build 45576 with description "this is really bugging ....". 
new Bug("new one").onBuild(45576)
   .withDescription("this is really bugging")
and this
 bug = new Bug("new one");
We can improve the readability by adding 'And', 'With', 'To' etc.
Below I have added a creational method and used 'and' method to improve the readability a bit more.
Bug.CreateWithTitle("new one").onBuild(45576)
  .withDescription("this is really bugging")
  .WithPriority("medium").reportedBy("QA").and().assignTo("a dev")...
This is just Method Chaining of a DSL.
See Martin Fowlers DSL Book (work in progress)

Thank you for the reference. Is this the URL (http://martinfowler.com/dslwip/)? The page is not found. do you know about any alternate sources for the same.

Is method chaining specific to DSL?(sorry I am not familiar with DSL)
Method Chaining is a way of implementing DSLs (like JMock does) or Fluent Interfaces. Martin's book draft has a lot of information (the URI you wrote is correct), althouh I sightly disagree with him.

Other text about those language adaptations:


But method chaining is not used only for this, languages like Smalltalk uses this all the time without creating a new or specialized language.


Phillip Calçado
Returning 'this' that lets developers chain method calls takes a lot of java developer by surprise.

This has always been a convention in smalltalk, and is one reason why smalltalk code is beautiful, and the code talks to you.
Fluent Interface
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